Care 101's

Here are some tips to maximise the shelf life of your baked goods.


Enriched bread e.g hot cross buns, cardamom buns, brioche

  • Store at room temperature in an airtight container for 2-3 days
  • To freeze, wrap in a double layer of cling wrap (or in a freezer-friendly container) for up to a month.
  • To refresh, toast in the oven at 180°C for 5 minutes or till warm. Alternatively, split them in half and pop into your toaster for a short period of time (careful, bread rich in butter burns easily!). If frozen, thaw before following re-heating instructions.
  • DO NOT STORE IN FRIDGE! The cold, dry environment dries them out.
  • However, brioche tarts with fresh fruit/vegetables are the exception. Brioche is a-okay in the refrigerator because of its high fat content, and will be fine once warmed up. 

Sourdough loaves

  • Keep in a sealed paper bag or wrap in a tea towel so your loaf can breathe, for 3-5 days at room temperature. Any longer, freeze!
  • Once cut, always keep the cut side covered to prevent drying out.
  • To freeze, slice your loaf and wrap slices (however much you'll usually eat in a sitting - a slice, two, five) in a layer of cling film and then freeze them in a ziploc. It will keep up to a month this way.
  • To reheat, after 2-3 days of storing at room temp, you want to wet your hand a little and, using your hand, dampen your bread slightly to re-introduce moisture before toasting, for cut slices.
  • For frozen slices, thaw at room temp before reheating.
  • The best way to warm up bread, if you are consuming maybe a quarter or half loaf, is to warm it up before slicing into it. It makes a huge difference between crisp, drier slices and nice, soft slices. 5-10 minutes in a 180°C oven should be fine, but I don't know your oven so use your intuition!

Lean bread e.g focaccia

  • Best enjoyed on the day of, lightly toasted in the oven, especially if topped e.g with mushrooms / cheese / onions
  • Focaccia does not do well kept in the fridge at all!!
  • If you must absolutely freeze it, wrap in a double layer of cling wrap to prevent moisture loss and freezer smells, and freeze for up to two weeks.
  • To reheat baguettes: run your baguette under water, ensuring it is moistened. Wrap in a layer of foil and place it in an oven preheated at 180°C. Heat for 5 minutes, then remove foil and heat for another 5-8 minutes.

CAKES (incl. financiers, muffins)

  • Best kept at room temperature or in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • To reheat, microwave for 20-30 seconds or place in the oven at 180°C for 5 minutes till warm.
  • For layered cakes with cream (and fruit), keep in refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Muffins and simple cakes i.e without frosting can be frozen for up to a month.


  • Keep in an airtight container for 3-5 days
  • For longer storage, freeze in a double layer of cling wrap. No need to thaw before reheating, simply extend the heating time.
  • To refresh, warm up in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 5 minutes.


  • If containing fresh fruit and cream, store in refrigerator and refresh in the oven before consuming.
  • If containing cooked fruit with little moisture (e.g a pear galette), storing at room temperature for up to a day is okay. Any longer, store in refrigerator.
  • Hand pies are okay to be frozen, up to a month. To refresh, thaw and pop in the oven.
  • Custard based pies and cooked fruit pies should be stored in the refrigerator after a day. To reheat, microwave or pop in the oven and heat until warm.


** Please note that all of the above are guidelines and you are still required to trust your instincts! If something looks mouldy/slimy or smells strange, please do not consume it!! We will not be held responsible in the event. **